Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Week 2

Still in total awe of this place.

Yesterday was alright, but I made friends on Sunday so I mean yesterday was actually really great compared to last week, we even wandered over to the National Mall and the Washington Monument was BEAUTIFUL at sunset.

Today was a little hectic, it started off really great, but really busy.  Anyone who knows me knows that I love to be busy though.  Anyway, basically got offered an opportunity to apply for some scholarship money through a program sponsored by State through a Native American funding.  So everyone cross your fingers for me, because I could really use the money.

We had a building evacuation today, which is weird because I feel like I haven't had to evacuate a building since the fire alarm was pulled my freshman year of college, haha.  That's alright though; post-work, I joined my coworkers for a happy hour for one of our coworkers who is leaving us to work out of the country.  I am actually really sad because he is easily the coolest man I have ever met, but that's okay.  Everyone has to do what's best for themselves obviously, but I could tell he was sad to leave this bureau because it literally has so many great people in it.  Nonetheless, congratulations to him; it was also really great because I got to meet even MORE people that were outside of my bureau as well as inside of it and learn so much more.  I literally love DC.

Post-Happy Hour, I went on a run with my roommate.  Let me tell you, running two miles when you haven't gone running since like freshman year of college, is freaking hard.  But so worth it, DC is beautiful (BUT HOTTER THAN ANYWHERE I HAVE EVER BEEN, LAWWWD) and so many things to look at while you run.  

OH, I totally skipped the fact that I met four of the greatest girls I think I have ever met in my life this past Sunday.  My roommate rocks, so no worries there--she's totally normal and a DG at Ole Miss--I also met three amazing Alpha Phi's who are from all over the country.  YES, I made friends.  

DC is expensive as anywhere I've ever been.  I paid four dollars for a bag of chips today--not blessed.  But I guess you pay for what you get (location wise though because that bag of chips was NOT full).  

Still loving this internship and as I continue to meet even more amazing people in it, I cannot help but be borderline giddy for what my future holds.  Let's hope this week rocks just as hard as last week did.

Meanwhile, enjoy the pictures and wish me luck!

PS: No filter on that picture of the Monument.

Exploring the unknown requires tolerating uncertainty.

-Brian Greene

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