Friday, May 30, 2014

End of Week 1

Alright, it is official.  I KNOW that DC is where I want to be when I graduate, everything is so great here.  Even the people are pretty great, which was a VERY welcome surprise.  It's Friday and I'm at Starbucks blogging because that's what people do when they're 20 and alone in a city they don't know...right?!

Anyway, I got my badge today so that's pretty cool.  I've also met SO MANY PEOPLE in my office, and let me tell you, I have never been in a working environment of people who actually like each other as much as all of these people do.  It's awesome.

Last night, I ventured out and into DC to meet up with one of the OU students who is here as well!  Most of the Sooners that will be in DC will get here this weekend, so I met up with Paul.  He's great and it's super great to feel like I actually know someone here; we wandered over to the bar 51st State and it was the COOLEST sports bar I've ever been to.  By far.  Anyway, Paul and I went to watch the Thunder game but as it turned out, hockey is currently in the playoffs as well for the Stanley Cup.  Little did we know that this was strictly a New York sports bar...aka ALL things New York, so since the hockey game started an hour before the Thunder, we met some CRAZY New York fans but I actually feel like I'm invested in this hockey team now because it was almost as cool as being at an OU game when they beat Montreal to move on.  I mean people hugging people they didn't know, crying, screaming, cheering.  It was insane.  And then, of course, the Thunder got beat so that kind of sucked.  Totally worth being at 51st State though.

Anyway, next week I'm going to do some more exploring I suppose; I finally met some girls at DG!  The weather yesterday was really crappy and pretty cold, so when I got back from work there were a few really great girls downstairs--which is all the better and a VERY nice reminder that no matter where I am, DG has my back.  

Thank you to all of you who are trying to keep up with me and where I'm at with this whole thing--this amount of change all at once is kind of scary, but diving in head first was definitely one of the best decisions I have made.  And by that, I mean it's up there with my choice to attend the University of Oklahoma.

Once again, I'll leave you with a quote.  Good night & good luck to all of you!

What's a white girl without Starbucks and a selfie, anyhow?

If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul.

-Drew Barrymore

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Week 1--Day 2

Wow is all I have to say.  Wow, I am OBSESSED with diplomacy--every single form of it.  I am OBSESSED with this government and holy sweet baby Jesus I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS FREAKIN' CAPITOL.  Wow, okay I really needed to get that out of my system.  Wow is a big enough word to sum up my experience since I've been here.

First day briefing:
First day was rough.  I got up way earlier than I needed to, I only was going on 2 hours of sleep or so, and I was just scared to death.  The walk to work turned out to be only five minutes away.  Literally people, imagine walking out your front door and taking a left and walking in that direction for five minutes.  It was perfect.  Orientation was nerve-wracking; there are tons of smart kids interning here, but I'm definitely the one most out of the way.  EVERY TIME someone asks me where I'm from I get one or more of the following responses:
"OHHHH...I've never been there."
"Oklahoma? I've flown over it before!!"
"Where's that..."
"Ohhh...*oblivious eyes & dropped jaw*"

That is perfectly alright though.  No one has asked me if I still live in a tipi yet, so that's a pleasant surprise.

Anyway, first day was super long and I met a few people, but a lot were out of the office so that lead me into today.

LET'S TALK ABOUT TODAY.  Seriously, I could not be any happier here.  Holy cow.  I will live here after I graduate and you can bet your bottom dollar on that.  It's so great (EXCEPT THE HUMIDITY, IT'S LITERALLY SO HUMID) and the people all have stories to tell that I actually want to listen to.  I met my supervisor's boss today and other than my supervisor, he has definitely been my favorite.  He's the most interesting person I think I have ever met.  Anyway, I am also obsessed with the girl who is interning at my office with me, she's great.  She's from LA, moved to NYC, goes to school in Boston, and is now interning here, yet she's only 20, like me.  We wandered over to TGI Friday's for food after work tonight and then ended up over at the White House.  Did I mention the White house is hardly 3/4 a mile from where I'm staying?!  Talk about great.  Anyway, it looked like it was going to storm any minute so I basically power walked back to the house and was drenched in sweat (thanks to the humidity) once I got back.  This week rocks and I love DC. 

As always, good night and good luck to all of you and I'll leave you with a quote (from one of the coolest people in the history of the United States) and a few pictures.  Until next time, y'all--


"Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm."
-John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Monday, May 26, 2014

DC: Night 1

Okay, so I guess I should start this thing by addressing what I'm doing and why I'm in Washington, D.C. for the summer

In October, I applied for an internship position with the State Department.  Being only 19 at the time, it was more of a way for me to start getting used to applying and getting my name out on the job market rather than getting the job, although the latter would have obviously been a perk; but January came around and I got the email that yes, I did receive the (unpaid) internship with the Department of State.  Immediately, I knew that it was where I wanted to be and it was going to be an unforgettable experience, on top of the best part of all--being able to get my foot in the door.  I will be working for 10 weeks here in Washington, D.C. for the Western Hemisphere Programs' bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.  I know, a total mouthful and it even makes you forget that I'm working with the State Department, but I am.

Today, I finished the move into the Delta Gamma house here at George Washington (thanks dad).  It would probably be really cool....if anyone else had moved in yet.  But I do believe that I am one of maybe three girls that has and I have yet to meet the others, nonetheless lay eyes on them.  That is perfectly all right though, I mean, I'm gonna be here for ten weeks, that's plenty of time!  Right...?

Also, I should note that the East Coast is full of people that are not so full of "Southern hospitality", it's definitely something to get used to.

Ugh, I couldn't be more excited but God bless it I am so nervous.  On top of the nerves, I can honestly say I have no idea where in the world I am at here in D.C. and let's just say it doesn't seem like the kind of place where I would like to be lost.  Hahaha.  So here I am, for the next ten weeks, living the dream.  Wish me luck and I'll keep this updated as much as I can!  As usual, I'll leave y'all with a quote:

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.

-Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.