Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Week 1--Day 2

Wow is all I have to say.  Wow, I am OBSESSED with diplomacy--every single form of it.  I am OBSESSED with this government and holy sweet baby Jesus I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS FREAKIN' CAPITOL.  Wow, okay I really needed to get that out of my system.  Wow is a big enough word to sum up my experience since I've been here.

First day briefing:
First day was rough.  I got up way earlier than I needed to, I only was going on 2 hours of sleep or so, and I was just scared to death.  The walk to work turned out to be only five minutes away.  Literally people, imagine walking out your front door and taking a left and walking in that direction for five minutes.  It was perfect.  Orientation was nerve-wracking; there are tons of smart kids interning here, but I'm definitely the one most out of the way.  EVERY TIME someone asks me where I'm from I get one or more of the following responses:
"OHHHH...I've never been there."
"Oklahoma? I've flown over it before!!"
"Where's that..."
"Ohhh...*oblivious eyes & dropped jaw*"

That is perfectly alright though.  No one has asked me if I still live in a tipi yet, so that's a pleasant surprise.

Anyway, first day was super long and I met a few people, but a lot were out of the office so that lead me into today.

LET'S TALK ABOUT TODAY.  Seriously, I could not be any happier here.  Holy cow.  I will live here after I graduate and you can bet your bottom dollar on that.  It's so great (EXCEPT THE HUMIDITY, IT'S LITERALLY SO HUMID) and the people all have stories to tell that I actually want to listen to.  I met my supervisor's boss today and other than my supervisor, he has definitely been my favorite.  He's the most interesting person I think I have ever met.  Anyway, I am also obsessed with the girl who is interning at my office with me, she's great.  She's from LA, moved to NYC, goes to school in Boston, and is now interning here, yet she's only 20, like me.  We wandered over to TGI Friday's for food after work tonight and then ended up over at the White House.  Did I mention the White house is hardly 3/4 a mile from where I'm staying?!  Talk about great.  Anyway, it looked like it was going to storm any minute so I basically power walked back to the house and was drenched in sweat (thanks to the humidity) once I got back.  This week rocks and I love DC. 

As always, good night and good luck to all of you and I'll leave you with a quote (from one of the coolest people in the history of the United States) and a few pictures.  Until next time, y'all--


"Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm."
-John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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